We wanted to share this lovely appeal from our Program Director, Emily Ferrara:
As the Last Leaves Fall
Squirrels gather nuts, then bolt up trunks.
Skunks bulk up at night on fallen apples.
Monarchs skirt the milkweed-silken fields.
Birds take wing to fairer ground, warm climes.
Here in Lowell, we’re hunkering down
For the next New England winter
Of snow emergencies, slick sidewalks
Of holiday blues and cheer.
As light declines and Thanksgiving nears,
Let the season’s windfall lift our hearts.
Let’s count our blessings (and our funds),
invest today in the promise of our much-loved city.
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Dear Readers,
Although I don’t often write “occasional poems”, I decided to give it a try for this special DIY Lowell occasion — our annual fund appeal.
As many of you know, not quite 6 months ago, I became the first program director of the wonderful grassroots organization known as DIY Lowell. Building on nearly 5 years of volunteer-driven success, I have been lucky to collaborate with the founders, advisory board, community of volunteers and supporters to implement the fourth annual Community Idea Summit program and launch four new projects for the 2019-2020 cycle. At the same time, we’ve been working to grow the organization’s capacity, and to expand our outreach efforts to promote broader and more diverse participation.
As giving Tuesday approaches, please consider making a donation to help DIY Lowell continue its work to empower residents to dream up and effect positive change in Lowell. Thank you!
(photo by Emily Ferrara, cross-posted from https://emilyferrara.wordpress.com/2019/11/22/a-diy-lowell-appeal-in-verse/)