2015: The DIY Lowell Idea Process

This is the first of a regular series of posts about DIY Lowell groups, what they’re doing, and how they’re doing it. We hope it’s a way for current and future groups to learn from one another and for everyone to learn from other groups. In addition, we hope that other institutions and people will contribute, and this will become a treasure-trove of tools and tips to getting things done in Lowell. But before all that, we want to talk about how we started.

Sovanna Pouv, CMAA Executive Director, filming our interview!

Sovanna Pouv, CMAA Executive Director, filming our interview!

The story so far: In May and June of 2015, we built the online forum where we collect ideas for small-scale events and projects in Lowell. There were only a few guidelines: The idea had to be an event or project within City limits, it had to be open to the public, it couldn’t break laws, and it had to be expected to be less than $1,000.

We then promoted it through Facebook, visiting neighborhood events, speaking at neighborhood groups, and even speaking on CMAA’s Khmer-language show. We also placed dropboxes at CMAA and the Lowell Senior Center, where people could write ideas on paper to be collected and added to the online forum later. We collected over 50 ideas from over 40 people as young as eight, seniors, and everyone in between: from a prayer boat ceremony to parking garage beautification to dining events. In some cases, nonprofits are actively pursuing these strategies but need assistance. In other cases, individuals have encountered obstacles they were unable to overcome.

Images illustrating ideas would were shared on Facebook and Twitter

Images illustrating ideas would were shared on Facebook and Twitter

Our most successful publicity was simply sharing each idea we received with a simple graphic on Facebook. People would like and share the ideas, chat about them comments, and sometimes submit more ideas inspired by it. Ideas collected at events would then bridge into the digital world, connecting online and off, and drawing more people into the discussion.

After the submission period ended, we held an online vote that was open to anyone who was willing to help out on one of the ideas, and 74 responded. Our idea was that if only people willing to help out on ideas could vote, those ideas would therefore automatically have the volunteers they needed. The vote was close—in fact, many ideas did not make the cut by only a few votes.

We raised money with a work-a-thon, volunteering 1 hour with Lowell Parks and Conservation Trust for every $100 donated.

We raised money with a work-a-thon, volunteering 1 hour with Lowell Parks and Conservation Trust for every $100 donated.

About 50 people out of the 74 who voted signed up for the summit, and we picked one idea for every 15 people, meaning the top three ideas were selected. Everyone attending the summit could pick one of those ideas or a fourth “wildcard” group, which eventually selected two additional ideas to pursue. Our plan was that we wanted 8-12 people to discuss each idea, knowing that with any more, there would be “too many cooks”, and with any fewer, there may not be enough people to carry the idea to fruition if a few dropped out.

Representatives from the City, Lowell National Historical Park, Coalition for a Better Acre, Humane Society, UTEC, Community Teamwork Inc, and many other nonprofits joined with ordinary citizens in the summit and put together action plans for each selected idea. DIY Lowell recruited four volunteer facilitators to help each group do such things and choose an official contact/coordinator, set a meeting date, and determine key actions that would need to be undertaken for the project, including stakeholders to contact. Nearly everyone attending was excited and ready to take the next steps! However, that will have to wait for the next post.

Planting Fruit Trees group


Groups discuss their projects


Downtown History Trail group


Bus Stop Libraries group


The groups reported back to one another at the end of the summit!

Bike Racks in Lowell: Contest with Up to $2,500 Award

Lowell bike rack bike iconThe Artistic Bike Racks group wants to spread the word about two ways you can help them add two new bike racks to downtown Lowell!

Firstly, they have a fundraiser page at https://www.gofundme.com/lowellbikeracks. In addition to the grants they are pursuing, they want to get donations from as many folks as possible to show that Lowellians are committed to improving bike infrastructure, so even small donations are appreciated.

Secondly, they’re accepting design proposals for the two racks until January 6. Two winners will be chosen to receive up to a $2,500 award to design and build the racks, which will be installed near Mogan Cultural Center and Mill No. 5! More information is at https://diylowell.org/bike-rack-call-for-artists/

Mogan Cultural Center in Lowell, Massachusetts

Mogan Cultural Center, potential site for bicycle rack

They’re looking for iconic bicycle racks that fit within downtown’s historical context to raise the profile of bicycling, letting those who bike know they’re welcome to visit the shopping opportunities downtown offers. In true DIY Lowell spirit, these bike racks are a test that may lead to even more in the future! Please consider helping them and spreading the word to artists, designers, or potential donors you may know.

Holiday Display Program

Many businesses participate in the City of Lowell’s holiday display contest, but some storefronts are left out because of lack of expertise or because of vacancies. A dozen businesses across downtown responded to an initial email asking if they’d like some help, and we’re helping as many as possible!


Emanuel Boutique, thanks to volunteer Julia Gavin

We connected donated materials and designers to retail businesses, a bank window, and a vacant window. Look for them throughout downtown!

We’re still raising money to buy supplies for additional businesses in the next week. You can contribute here! We will keep the materials we purchase with the money, so we could re-use them and annually help more and more businesses each year until Downtown Lowell displays become an attraction for the region!


Vacant storefront at 120 Merrimack, thanks to artist Mary Hart and volunteer Britt Boughner

Donations of old decorations, art supplies, or any other materials would also be super-useful! (Contact info@diylowell.org to let us know if you have anything.) If we collect enough, we will provide modest stipends to our super designers!

If we aren’t able to help you this year, we’re very sorry! But if you’re still interested, we hope we can find even more volunteers and work with more businesses next year! We really want to help everyone bring out their best.


iWorld, thanks to artist Katherine DuBose

Thanks to All Teams!

Thanks to everyone who attended the Community Idea Summit! The following ideas now have action plans and citizen groups to carry them forward:

Over 50 people attended the summit and dozens more have “raised their hand” and pledged to help in another way! Thanks, too, to everyone who submitted ideas! Every idea got at least one vote, and many missed the top 3 by only 1 or 2 votes! We will keep this website active as an archive for ideas. You may add an idea to the archive here.

Please consider donating to help make the ideas happen. All donations go directly toward projects!

Please email info@diylowell.org if you have any questions or want to help out with a project!

Special Thanks to the following donors ($20+):

  • Merrimack Valley Time Exchange / Coalition for a Better Acre
  • Loom Press
  • Joseph and Donna Smith
  • Made in Lowell
  • Lowell Parks and Conservation Trust
  • Corey Sciuto
  • Elizabeth Greene
  • Felicia Sullivan
  • William Berkowitz
  • Jane Calvin
  • Jack Moynihan
  • Paul Hardin
  • Julia Gavin
  • Sean Thibodeau
  • Sovanna Pouv
  • Gwen Kozlowski
  • Georgia & Glenn Hayes
  • Anonymous
  • Michael Breda

See our complete list of donors here.


Community Conversations

The expansion of UML’s South Campus and the opening of Unversity Crossing has had an impact on the Acre as the neighborhood adjusts to larger numbers of students living off campus. The idea of hosting a bunch of informal events throughout the fall to bring students and neighborhood residents together to talk and come to know each other.

Submit your Idea!

This forum is a spot to share your ideas for small-scale events or projects! All ideas will be archived, and visitors may comment on or contribute to your idea. The ideas will be put to a vote--maybe a community team will undertake the idea!

Please feel free to look at our inspiration, this years' ideas, previous years' ideas, and guidelines sections for inspiration!

When you submit an idea, you'll create an account to edit your ideas and post new ideas more quickly. If you've already signed up, make sure to log in before you submit a new idea!
What's the title of your idea?
Describe your idea.
How would your idea benefit the community?
Idea Location
If you have a link to an example, paste it here:
If you have an image of an example, upload it here:
Please provide a name, email, and password.
They won't be displayed, but if we have questions about your idea, we will contact you via email. The admin team won't share your information with anyone.Please enter both your first and last name
Please enter a valid email address. We will send a confirmation.
Please create a password. You will use this password to log in.