(Click here for PDF Job Description, 162 kb)
Do-it-Yourself Lowell is a grassroots organization that helps community members learn how to make small projects and events happen together. Over the summer, we ask people in Lowell for community project ideas. Next, anyone who pledges to help out can vote for their favorites. The winning ideas are discussed at a summit in late July. After the summit, DIY Lowell helps community member teams make the projects happen.
Lowell is a big place, and we need help reaching out to Lowell’s diverse community to get people’s ideas and get them involved in the project. We know there are great ideas in every part of the city, we want to get as many folks involved as possible, and we want to get people from different neighborhoods and backgrounds working together. As a Street Team member, you will work as a team, learning and creating different marketing methods to reach out to the community and ask them to participate. Open to students and adults.
Job is 5 hours/week from August 2 to September 30. Applicants must be available at least 1 weeknight and 1 weekend day a week.
- Team Orientation and Meetings: Attend a short orientation and bi-weekly meetings to discuss outreach strategies and tasks
- Community Tabling: As a team, reach out to events to reserve a table, manage a DIY Lowell table at community events, speaking to strangers with confidence, providing information about DIY Lowell, listening to their ideas and questions, and encouraging them to participate in DIY Lowell
- Small Group Engagement: Contact groups such as neighborhood groups, community organizations, and churches via email and phone to set up meetings and speak to groups
- Social Media: Maintain DIY Lowell’s Facebook and Twitter accounts, sharing submitted ideas, photos, and project examples from Lowell and other towns
- Other Outreach: Work as a team to manage additional marketing as assigned, including posting flyers around town, taking pictures, contacting media, and other creative strategies
- Logistic Support: Provide logistical support for summit event, including help with planning and setup
- Ability to confidently interact with a wide variety of people in Lowell across a spectrum of backgrounds and ages-those with bilingual abilities are strongly encouraged to apply
- Comfort with public speaking to both small groups and one-on-one
- Knowledge and skill using a variety of social media outlets
- Availability and willingness to travel to events in Lowell on evenings and weekends
- Enthusiasm and interest in DIY Lowell’s goals
- Responsibility, self-motivation, and organization
- Willingness to encourage your personal network to participate in DIY Lowell a plus (this could include your family, neighborhood, school friends, or colleagues)
- $14/hour stipend
- Excellent resume builder for community engagement, marketing,and event planning
- Work collaboratively in a fun environment with another Street Team members, DIY Lowell founders, and others
- Good opportunity to network within the Lowell community and meet people from many organizations and professional groups
- Sick time accrued at 1 hour/30 hours worked
Please submit a resume and cover letter to info@diylowell.org. Deadline: July 26, 2021, 5:00pm. Applications must include both resume and cover letter.
DIY Lowell is a grassroots group dedicated to helping community members make small-scale projects and events happen together. It connects people with ideas to funding, technical assistance, and most importantly to one another. Coalition for a Better Acre (CBA) is DIY Lowell’s fiscal agent. CBA is a Lowell-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency. DIY Lowell is an equal opportunity employer.