What Once was Here: Display of Historical Streetscape Pictures and Paintings at that Location
We would pick a location that has changed and perhaps needs attention. We would find historic photos (with rights purchased or donated) and make a contest of painting interpretations of the historic streetscape in that location. We would create a small display at that location. We would also offset costs by creating postcards of the [Read more…]
Foursquare Courts and Hopscotch around Town on Pavement
Hot Art
Human Giant Game Day
Ice Sculpture Contest
Inspire Merrimack Street Window Art Project
Use the empty windows on Merrimack St. to create a 24/7 gallery to show the work of local artists and studio groups. When visitors come to town for our Folk Festival, they are often faced with empty and papered windows when they wander through town. This project can be as large or small as the [Read more…]
Artists can choose to paint directly on plywood for these installations or collaborate in groups. Or the plywood can be used as a support for smaller artworks…no nails, hooks etc. will be installed on the property, everything is easily portable if a renter is found and the artwork needs to [Read more…]