Pollinator crosswalk and sidewalks


The town of Greenfield, MA has a honeybee crosswalk in downtown to honor Rev. Langstroth, a sometime resident who revolutionized beekeeping by the discovery of the beespace. I would adapt this idea to a current problem, the plight of pollinators, by painting them on crosswalks and sidewalks. Our teen group is working on helping monarch butterflies and milkweed, so it would be good to include those. The crosswalk could guide people across with flying butterflies. For a sidewalk, it would be cool to do the 3-D art that looks like an abstraction until it is viewed from an oblique angle and it becomes startlingly real.


Beauty and environmental awareness. The Acre would be good because that area needs beautification and it is where our youth group works. It would be great in the "arts district" downtown, too.


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