

Creating a new ideal mural for Downtown Lowell.

Message/theme. “The Local Views Upon the Mill City of Lowell”

Looking within Lowell there are a lot of historical relics within the city itself. How would you like to think about making a new historical piece that we can admire within the future?
Knowing that the city is transforming, I propose we leave our essence on a city mural that would last through ages to develop an new ideal history piece.
There’s a lot of empty and unused walls around Lowell that even some wish to paint on.
I believe it would not be harmful for the city to help capturing the community view on the city of Lowell by the helps of artists.
Illustrating positive scenery, symbolism and culture as a team to develop an new potential historical piece within town.
Assigning young artists to interview multiple people or share their own thoughts about Lowell.
At the end of the process, they’ll collaborate together to make a final agreement on what desired ideal.


I believe it is a memorial event for artist and the community giving people a new history to look back upon. Bonding/interacting others with each to create a healthier social city. Send positive vibes though out the years. This mural will become a new ideal relic and would symbolize the diversity and historic mind of others with the beloved town. Community Artists who worked on the mural will gain a lot recognition from the city and thru state. Compliments the Resume for the artists and as well for a gratitude for the communities time to share there visual perspective.


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