Green community roof top demo


Create a green community roof top demonstration open to the public. Vegetable gardens, rain barrels, beekeeping and eco habitat gardening with native plants that support a variety of pollinators and song birds.


In addition to providing food from a community vegetable garden it would provide a community gathering space, provide habitat for wildlife, vegetation for water control, and improve urban air quality, reduce energy consumption, and generally improve the quality of life for residents of the community. This is a system that could be replicated on existing residential apartment buildings and commercial roofs, as well as integrated in new construction throughout the city.



  1. I love this idea! Urban farming helps help feed people without increasing the cost and pollution of food transport. Rooftop gardens also provide insulation, create habitat for local wildlife, help control runoff, put more oxygen into the atmosphere, and create “a welcome, verdant break from urban drabness.” (From the National Geographic article “A Farm Grows in Brooklyn—on the Roof.”)

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