Bike Racks in Lowell: Contest with Up to $2,500 Award
The Artistic Bike Racks group wants to spread the word about two ways you can help them add two new bike racks to downtown Lowell!
Firstly, they have a fundraiser page at In addition to the grants they are pursuing, they want to get donations from as many folks as possible to show that Lowellians are committed to improving bike infrastructure, so even small donations are appreciated.
Secondly, they’re accepting design proposals for the two racks until January 6. Two winners will be chosen to receive up to a $2,500 award to design and build the racks, which will be installed near Mogan Cultural Center and Mill No. 5! More information is at
They’re looking for iconic bicycle racks that fit within downtown’s historical context to raise the profile of bicycling, letting those who bike know they’re welcome to visit the shopping opportunities downtown offers. In true DIY Lowell spirit, these bike racks are a test that may lead to even more in the future! Please consider helping them and spreading the word to artists, designers, or potential donors you may know.
Holiday Display Program
Many businesses participate in the City of Lowell’s holiday display contest, but some storefronts are left out because of lack of expertise or because of vacancies. A dozen businesses across downtown responded to an initial email asking if they’d like some help, and we’re helping as many as possible!
We connected donated materials and designers to retail businesses, a bank window, and a vacant window. Look for them throughout downtown!
We’re still raising money to buy supplies for additional businesses in the next week. You can contribute here! We will keep the materials we purchase with the money, so we could re-use them and annually help more and more businesses each year until Downtown Lowell displays become an attraction for the region!
Donations of old decorations, art supplies, or any other materials would also be super-useful! (Contact to let us know if you have anything.) If we collect enough, we will provide modest stipends to our super designers!
If we aren’t able to help you this year, we’re very sorry! But if you’re still interested, we hope we can find even more volunteers and work with more businesses next year! We really want to help everyone bring out their best.
Thanks to All Teams!
Thanks to everyone who attended the Community Idea Summit! The following ideas now have action plans and citizen groups to carry them forward:
- Downtown History Trail
- Bus Stop Libraries
- Planting Fruit Trees
- Lowell-Themed Bike Racks
- Star Viewing from Christian Hill
Over 50 people attended the summit and dozens more have “raised their hand” and pledged to help in another way! Thanks, too, to everyone who submitted ideas! Every idea got at least one vote, and many missed the top 3 by only 1 or 2 votes! We will keep this website active as an archive for ideas. You may add an idea to the archive here.
Special Thanks to the following donors ($20+):
- Merrimack Valley Time Exchange / Coalition for a Better Acre
- Loom Press
- Joseph and Donna Smith
- Made in Lowell
- Lowell Parks and Conservation Trust
- Corey Sciuto
- Elizabeth Greene
- Felicia Sullivan
- William Berkowitz
- Jane Calvin
- Jack Moynihan
- Paul Hardin
- Julia Gavin
- Sean Thibodeau
- Sovanna Pouv
- Gwen Kozlowski
- Georgia & Glenn Hayes
- Anonymous
- Michael Breda
See our complete list of donors here.