Canal Candle Boat Ceremony
A multicultural event in which people release small boats that carry small electric lanterns or candles into a canal inspired by similar ceremonies around the world. We would work with Massachusetts DCR and NPS to find the ideal location and choose easily-recoverable boats (to take out of the canal before they reach a dam or [Read more…]
This would bring more attention to one of Lowell's unique resources (the canals), perhaps draw visitors, and be an opportunity for people of Lowell's many cultures to mix. This would also give experience to the action team in working with the owners of the canals, and a small-scale project like [Read more…]
Edible Gardens
Use underutilized open space–such as by the canals, by the river, a “Victory Garden” in front of City Hall, or any other space determined by the group–for access by those in need without cost other than volunteering to take care of maintenance. Use plants that require low or no maintenance (permaculture concepts). Excess produce can [Read more…]