Dear friends and family,
During the past ten days, DIY Lowell has witnessed and listened to the Black members of our community and the other diverse voices calling for reform in cities across the United States, including our own.
DIY Lowell’s utmost values are diversity, inclusivity, and community involvement. Our mission includes bringing people of different backgrounds together to learn from one another on how to make meaningful change in our community. We focus on public spaces, supporting projects that are inclusive, non-discriminatory, and provide a forum for diverse people to enjoy Lowell on equitable ground.
As we’ve discussed this mission in light of the national—and even more importantly, the local—conversation, we have come to agree that we must focus on promoting an idea: community spaces must be actively anti-racist. People of all backgrounds must feel safe, welcome, respected, and free from harassment. Our community must ensure this regardless of their race, their circumstances, or their appearance. We wish to let everyone know: we support the Black Lives Matter movement and the nationwide protests in the wake of the death of George Floyd at the hands of police. We add our voices to the urgent calls for reform.
DIY Lowell is committed to actively invite and include everyone. Over the last year, we have sought grants to reach out to more diverse members of our community, through meeting them where they’re at, translating and interpreting, and holding special focus groups. We’ll redouble our efforts and prioritize this work.
Just as importantly, we’ll continue listening and urge anyone who feels so moved to contact us and let us know how we’re doing. We don’t always hit the mark, but we want to know if we’re aiming in the right place. Please tell us.
A community leader friend once told us that Do-it-Yourself Lowell would be more accurately called “Do-it-Together Lowell.” We believe in the power of community members learning from one another, gaining the skills and connections to claim their Right to the City. We believe that not only must our public spaces be equitable, but also that all aspects of our city must be equitable. We look forward to playing a role in achieving that equity for all.
Thank you,
– The DIY Lowell Team