The 2022 Community Chill Night is DIY Lowell’s fourth annual chili and stew cook-off event! After two COVID years off, we’re back with music, games, community awards, and a DIY “Chilly” Dessert! Our goal is to build community in Lowell by bringing together young people and elders, downtown and neighborhoods, townies and newcomers. This annual fundraiser celebrates the projects and events that have activated our underused spaces, brought diverse populations together, and made Lowell better.
The event is Friday, March 25, 6:00 – 8:30 pm at Mill No. 5, Fifth Floor (250 Jackson Street).
Use the “DONATE” button below to donate and RSVP/pre-register for the event.
The donation will include an option to let us know how many will be coming and note you as RSVP’ed. However, anyone may also donate at the door. In that case, feel free to email us at info@diylowell.org to let us know you’re coming and spread the word on our Facebook event!
$5 Suggested Donation per attendee in Advance/$10 at the Door. Donate what you can–nobody will be turned away! If you pre-register, please let us know at the door the day of the event.
We need your help in the following ways. Nominations and chili entries due February 28!
Chili Entries * Sponsors * Volunteers
Chili and Stew Competitors
This year, we’re hoping for a mix of cultural and ethnic stews with American chilis – anything tasty can compete!
- Crissy Barbosa – Buffalo Chicken Chili
- Maria Crooker-Capone – Italian Chicken Chili
- Fahmina – Rainbow Turkey Chili
- Joy Robinson – Chili
- City of Lowell Planning & Development – Moroccan Chicken Lentil Stew
- D’Youville Life & Wellness Community – Vegan and Beyond Chili
- Coalition For A Better Acre, YES! Teen Program – Cerditos y Sofritos
- Community TeamWork YouthBuild – White Chili with turkey and white beans
- Boys & Girls Club of Greater Lowell – Cincinnati Chili
It’s not too late to enter a chili or stew! We are looking for all kinds: traditional and totally off the wall, meat or vegetable based—you name it. No cost to enter; categories for restaurants and individuals.
Community Award Winners
We are so proud to announce Jack Moynihan as Volunteer of the Year and Lowell Litter Krewe for the Community Transformation Award!
We’ve had the pleasure of working with Jack since we first formed six years ago. For years, Jack has been serving the Lowell community as a board member of Merrimack Repertory Theatre, Whistler House Museum of Art / Lowell Art Association, Inc., Lowell Canalwater Cleaners, Mill City Grows, and Lowell Downtown Neighborhood Association (LDNA). He also volunteers with many groups including the Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust, Lowell National Historical Park, and the Litter Krewe. He’s also helped out with many DIY Lowell projects like Points of Light Lantern Celebration, Midsummer Dream Festival, and Restroom Feasibility. We don’t just appreciate his community-mindedness, but also his (and his wife Carolyn’s) friendliness, dedication, humor, and cheer.
The Lowell Litter Krewe is committed to the creation of volunteer opportunities, staying flexible to meet community needs, and providing the tools necessary to get the job done. From their nomination: Through their networking, open hearts, and generosity, they’ve removed hundreds of thousands of pounds of trash in the city, including large discarded items in our canal system with their partnership with Lowell Canalwaters Cleaners. They continue to open up their weekend schedules to schools, non-profits, neighborhood groups, and businesses and rally together to clean AND beautify spaces across Lowell, including neglected, overgrown, or forgotten areas. I am in awe of their accomplishments, leadership, and camaraderie!
Congratulations to all the honorable mentions for the Community Transformation Award:
- Nibbāna Cafe for Outdoor Food Pantry
- ArtUp (including Project LEARN, Inc., Beyond Walls, and many artists) for the Beyond Walls mural project
- The Bike Connector for the Do-it-Together Workshop at 47 Lee Street
- City of Lowell Economic Development Office and many artists and restaurants for the Streeteries program
- LTC for A Hora Da Poetisa Portuguese language TV Show
Thank you Sponsors!
Nancy Donahue
Shooting Stars
- Studio 26 Associates
- TMI Properties
Big Dippers
- D’Youville Life and Wellness Community
- Gallagher and Cavanaugh
- Lowell Central Electric
- Owl Stamp
- Tavern on the Square
We have special sponsorship packages for $100 to $1,000. Special perks for being a sponsor include VIP treatment for your organization, a banner at the event, and promotion on social media and on our mailing list.
Even if you aren’t from an organization, a donation would be a big help! After a year of Strategic Planning with our Advisory Committee, we’re kicking off a new era of DIY Lowell and raising funds to move our three-year plan forward to make sure DIY Lowell sticks around for the long term. Donations big and small will help us reach our goal.
Email info@diylowell.org with expressions of interest.
Volunteer to Help Out
We need help setting up activities, counting chili ballots, scooping ice cream, and more! Please consider helping us out on March 1. Click on the button for a form with all volunteer opportunities.
Photos by Henry Marte and DIY Lowell